منتديات الفنان محمد عبد الله

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات الفنان محمد عبد الله للفنون التشكيلية

    شاهد مباشرة فبيلم home نسخه هاى كواليتى وممكن تحمله بسرعه عاليه جدا


    المساهمات : 19
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/12/2009

    شاهد مباشرة فبيلم home نسخه هاى كواليتى وممكن تحمله بسرعه عاليه جدا Empty شاهد مباشرة فبيلم home نسخه هاى كواليتى وممكن تحمله بسرعه عاليه جدا

    مُساهمة  Admin الأربعاء ديسمبر 09, 2009 10:05 pm

    فيلم هووم بيتكلم عن جلوبال وورمنج او الاحتباس الحرارى اللى بيحصل للكره الارضيه
    المشاهد قمه فى الروعه والجمال ومناظر طبيعيه من كل انحاء الكرة الارضية وحكايات عن تاريخ الارض وازاى الانسان فى سنوات قليله جدا استنزف كل موارد الطبيعه وازاى نحل المشكله دى

    شاهد مباشرة فبيلم home نسخه هاى كواليتى وممكن تحمله بسرعه عاليه جدا 9orh-010

    ودى تعليقات اللى شافو الفيلم

    0 Marked as spam Reply good one lol

    go back to catholic school and get raped by all the teachers and then ask for religion to help u lol
    quiksilverhughes (51 minutes ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply this movie is brilliant! and only dumb people cant believe that the world will be destroyed if we keep expanding our economic model like this! as for the religious muppets ur too dumb for this stuff go back to believing in the fairies and talking bushes lol

    evolution is fact and god is fiction

    no proof then u got no argument...simple as that
    UTUBPLEASE (2 hours ago) Show Hide -2 Marked as spam Reply A classic example of using the highly emotional approach to tell the big lie of man made global warming. The perpetrators of this fiction have a great future in Hollywood. Goebels would be proud. Co2 is going up but world temperature is going down. We need more Co2 to feed the world.... not less.
    quiksilverhughes (49 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply idiot, think about it a lil harder n do some research dont voice opinion unless backed by facts
    UTUBPLEASE (39 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply Go back to grammar school and learn to spell child.
    MegaPepsimax (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply yeah whatever you think he does i think he doesn't that's our opinion's and that's how it is but i know and so does loads of other people know that GOD DOES NOT EXIST but if you think he does than that's fine!
    indalecio21 (2 hours ago) Show Hide -2 Marked as spam Reply There is no God man.Never was,never will be.You said son of god was crusified...there are many MANY Gods,with different stories,so you cant insist on that.
    sasuschrist (2 hours ago) Show Hide -2 Marked as spam Reply thousands of years to tame the monkey creature man and now it has become a lawless scumbag of atheism- surely nuclear war is next- your neighbors will kill you soon as it is dog eat dog-= in the ashes the followers of god emerge
    Peetowan (1 hour ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam Reply I'm no God fanatic myself but you can only say that you BELIEVE that there is no God. Saying that God doesn't exist is as crazy to say that there is a God...

    all we can do is to have an open mind and "se" what happens when wee die.....
    indalecio21 (1 hour ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply When you believe in heaven and hell,then you dont have an open mind.And why are you so selfish to believe that you have a soul.Animals dont have a soul?They dont have religions,what happens to them when they die.When you die it is just over.You are a piece of meat with brain more advanced than any other creature on this planet,when you die you rot and the cycle of life continues.

    Live your life the best you can and dont expect any afterlife.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 11:17 am